Liar, liar, burns on fire

Before the stolen election Mirhossein Mousavi, the Iranian president of elect warned the society:

We have now faced an incredibly bizarre new phenomenon able to look right into the camera and to say self confidently that up is down and black is white!

Some days after, the same phenomenon  (Ahmadinejad) claimed electoral victory while in absence of any other witness, his own men of the previous cabinet were the only persons in charge of counting the votes.

Now after his interviews in NYC the world may understand us better. No one (even Larry King) can avoid playing his game.

p.s. It’s not always that bad. Watch this one:

AN suddenly became surprised that westerns know about the second enrichment facilities and was not sure to make a lie or not! He roughly denied that and postponed the answer to see if Obama really knows or not…. Eventually the American real president happened to know. And just some hours later, Iran’s representative confessed this in a letter to IEAE to keep pretending that everything is clear.

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