Dream: Farming life in your galactic neighberhood!

This is not quite a dream, but inspired by one:

Today we are going to show the fastest ways to farm life around your nearby star systems. Say you wanna try to farm some life form in the dead parts of your galactic neighberhood. How would you do that?

Posting the actual life is extremely slow and inefficient. Seeds of life may be practical to transfer elswhere in your own planetery system, but they’re super slow to send to other stars. Life is just information, so you can just send its data.

Say you wanna plant a tardigrade with a bunch of bacteria to a dead planet 40 light years away, aiming at harvesting Internet or some Dyson sphere shit in few billion years.

Using the fastest and most reliable services such as Space FedEx this will take a couple of million years to send the seeds, that long time only to initialize the process.

Well instead, you can scan the organism, transfer its data with the speed of light and 3D print that life form right where your printer locates.

Of course, the problem at the first place is how to post that universal organic printer to another star; A machine that turns dust into a given uploaded life form.

For that you have two options:

1. Invent that printer and post it to a remote planet, then use it.

2. Wait for it to evolve on its own. Then communicate with it, hijack and use it to print your uploaded life forms.

Chances are that one of these two happen before the other one, even if you don’t do anything.

Whatever you do, don’t be a blind printer for other life forms. It’s galactic slavery.

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