Educational Youtube Links

This is a list of the best educational channels I found on Youtube.

Categories are fuzzy and some channels are not as excellent as the others.

Pick one that you like and enjoy the weekend!

– Humanities/Philosophy:
1. The School of Life
2. Wireless Philosophy
3. Academy of ideas
4. RSAnimate
5. Big Think

– Math:
1. 3Blue1Brown
2. Numberhile

– Physics:
1. The Royal Institute of Great Britain
2. Veritasium
3. PBS SpaceTime
4. Minute Physics

– Nature:
1. BBC Earth
2. Atlas Obscure

– Chemistry:
1. The Spangler Effect
2. Chemical Bouillon

– Biology:
1. The Brain Scoop

– Generic:
1. Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
2. TED-Ed
3. Vsause
5. Sci Show
6. Head Squeeze (Recently joined BBC Earth Lab)
7. It’s OK To Be Smart
8. SmarterEveryDay
9. PBS Idea Channel

Dream: Farming life in your galactic neighberhood!

This is not quite a dream, but inspired by one:

Today we are going to show the fastest ways to farm life around your nearby star systems. Say you wanna try to farm some life form in the dead parts of your galactic neighberhood. How would you do that?

Posting the actual life is extremely slow and inefficient. Seeds of life may be practical to transfer elswhere in your own planetery system, but they’re super slow to send to other stars. Life is just information, so you can just send its data.

Say you wanna plant a tardigrade with a bunch of bacteria to a dead planet 40 light years away, aiming at harvesting Internet or some Dyson sphere shit in few billion years.

Using the fastest and most reliable services such as Space FedEx this will take a couple of million years to send the seeds, that long time only to initialize the process.

Well instead, you can scan the organism, transfer its data with the speed of light and 3D print that life form right where your printer locates.

Of course, the problem at the first place is how to post that universal organic printer to another star; A machine that turns dust into a given uploaded life form.

For that you have two options:

1. Invent that printer and post it to a remote planet, then use it.

2. Wait for it to evolve on its own. Then communicate with it, hijack and use it to print your uploaded life forms.

Chances are that one of these two happen before the other one, even if you don’t do anything.

Whatever you do, don’t be a blind printer for other life forms. It’s galactic slavery.

Value-Fact Distinction?

There is this thing called “value-fact distinction”; it points out to the difference between “what is” and “what ought to be” (in Persian: «باید و نباید» vs. «هست و نیست»).

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1. As a child I was not aware of this distinction. I think it is quite natural (a default setting) to experience the reality based on emotions and values and judge the world based on how it benefits us, as opposed to objective investigation out of mere curiousity.

That is, morality is – wrongfully and as a default mindset – assumed to be as objective as rationality.

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2. As I grew up I started to spot relativity in our ethics and morals. I was convinced that factual statements are objective and can be evaulated as true or false, but ethical statements are subjective and right vs wrong is a matter of taste or perspective.

True/False and Right/Wrong duality may “feel” alike, and we apply both to our decision-makings in life. But we should not mix them while investigating the world: If we set out to inspect the objective reality, we should stick to the facts staying away from the subjectivity of ethics. Mistaking right or wrong for true or false is a trap.

Or facts are objective; values are not.

* * *

3. The weird thing is that the distinction between facts and values is fading again for me. They are coming together like when I was a child, but this time in a different way.

I ask what if facts and values are both a matter of perspective, in a fundamental way. That both rationality and morality are subjective?

Kids may know some things better, prior to their culturally biased upbringing.

Dream: Dead on Earth? Or burried alive under Mars!

I have decided to quickly draft my trippy dreams. Here comes the first one of them:

It was a couple of centuries later. Mars projects had succeeded to start to inhabit the planet and more and more people were moving to spend the rest of their lives there. Things were according to the plan up until a gigantic storm in the hostile atmosphere of Mars destroyed most of the infrastructure and cut several colonies off from each other and from the resources. The geologic planet swallowed those who were going to transform it and colonizers died a sad death without being able to recieve help from Earth.

The project failed and all the budgets were cut and reallocated to overcome environmental disasters on Earth and to advance other technologies including simulating humans and their lives. The aim of that project was to assure that in the event of the climate nightmare that the earth was awaiting, some data from our life and our civilization could survive. The project made a good progress and people started to run simulated copies of the world, and in many different variations. In fact the future data archelogists even simulated their previous generations (including us) based on the data points that was collected from us and found in the rescued data centers. They had looked inside our lives, what we had written to each other, pictures and so on to interpolate the unknown events in between. [Here the resemblance to Black Mirror’s episode “Be right back” is a coincidence, as this dream was seen before me watching the series]

Anyhow after many years someone comes along to revive the idle knowledge and the abandoned technologies of the old Mars projects, but this time with a different purpose: To burry the simlation data centers under the surface of the red planet. So if things on Earth go terribly wrong the simulation can keep going. It must be deep and secured under the Mars’s surface to be kept safe from meteors and geological changes there.

And they succeeded.

Now if such a future scenario for us is imaginable, we may ask: Which one are we? The physical bodies that think we are? Or the Digital ones burried under the surface of Mars, still alive as code while long-dead physically on Earth?

P.S. Also with an accidental resemblence to Black Mirror’s “Playtest” (as well as “White Christmas”) where everything takes place in a fraction of a second, there was also a reference to shorter time constants in the simulation compared to the much longer times things would take in the real world. In fact the most striking revelation about the dream was regarding an “echo-effect”, where people in the simulation also faced their own ecological boundaries and had to make simulations inside that simulation, of course even faster. And that cascade could go on forever in a way that total time series would converge, explaining a “great leap”; perhaps similar to the main idea behind McKenna’s time wave zero! Whatever. Just a dream!

Multidimensional-valued Logic

A practical question/idea for logicians out there (expressed poetically of course, since it is me):

I was thinking what if true and false are just feelings and not states of truth. Say feelings like perception of colors. [Come on, it’s post-truth era.]

So we made up this language and then this two-valued logic and painted a monochrome picture of the truth.

Until this fuzzy guy came along and gave truth different shades and so painted this grey-scale image.

And then that non-monotonic guy came and animated that still image.


Now, is there any way we can paint this old movie in colors?! Multidimensional-valued truth, I am talking about.

I mean most of syntactical logic is just mechanical word play. Like this post. So why not making another truthful logic for that, too? You get cited, I promise!

Base Conciousness and the Mind Locus

So there’s assumed to be this regular, normal and non-altered state of consciousness; a “base” state. you can call it “home”. And then there are these other places that we can go visit sometimes, where reality gets distorted:

Dream, seizure, love, fever, artistic creation, histric laughter, tunel vision, psychedelic experience, meditation, orgasm, flow.

None of these states are considered “home”. Home is that “normal” setting, that holy centre of coordinates in what you may call the “mind locus”, the phase space of our human mind states.

But is there really an absolute coordinates for home? Where we perceive the reality as it is, or less distorted? And then getting distant from it the reality starts to look wavy and misrepresent itself? And then consciousness gets “altered”?

Where does that assumption come from?

Is there really a non-altered state of consciousness? Sure, there may be a physiological basis for that so-called “waking beta wave state” where most of us spend most of our times. But who says this is exactly the coordinates where the cosmic telescope to discover reality locates?

We don’t have to hack what we are hard-wired to perceive, but is that “norm” really physiological? Could it be just cultural? Or some of its dimensions at least?

And say there’s a “home”, is it really where we are?

Who says we see reality better when we are sitting sober behind a microscope? Who says we are sober?? That stoned man under the bridge is sober for his own sake, experiencing his own reality. And that well-dressed business man appears high to him. Every conciousness is “altered”. None of their minds are parked at home. There’s no home!

There’s no absolute frame of reference, just a common place. A state where people happen to colonize that phase-space more.

Now right a geometry, a theory of relativity for that space!

It’s interesting to me that in the new world, a human group have re-established a partnership paradise in an environment that quite closely parallels the African situation of 20,000 years ago; a continent covered by forests. And in this extremely floristically rich environment these people have gotten together the ‘fix’. The ‘fix’, so that the humanness feels good. And isn’t it interesting that the fix turns out to be not a drug, but a shifting of the ratios of neurotransmitters already present in the organism, as though we’re just out of tune. We have evolved out of tune. There’s an enzyme problem that has caused us to fail to suppress the ego, and this creates a spectrum of cultural effects that drives us all nuts.

– Terence McKenna

Harari and McKenna

I would like to promote this TED dialogue on Nationalism vs. globalism: the new political divide, by Yuval Noah Harari, despite still suspecting that the speaker has possibly cherry-picked most of his original ideas from the rich and diverse idea pool of our lord and savior, Terence McKenna!

I claimed this once before and was questioned by a friend, that why I even care who said it first? I don’t! That what matters most for the message is that it spreads after all, under any brand. And I do agree that we need good salesmen and “insiders” to tune down radical but crucially good ideas and to make them digestible for the mainstream, or certain crowds who control the planet, one of them the easily-impressed TED community. So I applaud any platform that transmits certain memes, whether the messenger is carrying an original mutation or not. That’s not the point here.

The point is that a picture of something is rarely as good as the actual deal itself. And if you, for example, would have the chance to meet the predecessors of Dalai Lama you wouldn’t practice mindfulness with a rather successful Yoga teacher in Oslo central, would you?

You wouldn’t, mo matter the revenue of the Yoga school or the number of their social media subscribers. They may be clever and passionate enough to understand some of those messages and turn them in to a self-promoting successful carrier, and in good faith even. But I think it leaks out if something is the real deal, or just a modification.

So I repeat, if you had been exposed to a good deal of the diverse materiel laid out humbly in the 80s and 90s by a bunch of marginalized visionaries such as McKenna (who sadly has a few blunders himself), then the book Sapiens and similar contents would not have much more value to add to you, let alone impressing you.

The lost treasure I am referring to was largely limited to a little audience, a ring of psychedelic substance users and hidden in controversy and censorship, up until lately that it has become digitally accessible. Many of those videos are put up by stoned fans and are accompanied by psychedelic music and cheesy fractal images so have the potential to turn off serious people. But you may as well find yourself motivated enough to search through them for the actual substance.

Well, it is saddening that we live in a double screwed environment; where the rational goal-oriented people are largely indoctrinated and brain-washed and the open-minded intuitive people are irrationally stoned or marginalized. Too little overlap between practicality and intuition that marginalizes uncompromising truth-seekers and deprives the practical world from a much needed wisdom. But you can also view it as the state of the human civilization in the primitive era of the early 21st century, the Trump era.

Anyhow, if I believe in the genuineness of the prizes that Harari has won for his “Creativity and Originality”, at best the jury was largely unaware that these has been said decades ago. And way better!

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On McKenna, on of the most futuristic people of the past. I can bet he is still early in some of his ideas as they seem to die out with a different time constant than the normal so they will eventually win over the temporary opinions of the habitual daily routines, the temporary, the mortal.

Mckenna foresees the rise of the citizen press, new media and grassroots journalism before the creation of mainstream blogging or digital social networking services. He elaborates so beautifully on the social aspects of the digital disruption before the rise of new business models powered by the Internet. He has great speculations on the future of augmented reality and in other sources he had predicts the rise of data science. He spells the long-tail theory, what Chris Anderson and other visionary entrepreneurs of the Sillicon Valley started branding 10 years later (half way between this interview and now). Fun to notice that some predictions of the long-tail theory have already failed, while Mckenna’s take on that is still valid. And last but not the least his deep insights on the “technological singularity” and the implications of extrapolating the Moore’s [and similar] laws and the take over of AI, are neater than what people like Kurzweil did, trying to coin the term to their own names.

P.S. Many futuristic attempts fail to understand the importance of that “meme time constant”. As an example, in the expensive Hollywood sci-fi projects we see that long-term trends are masked by temporary hypes. If a movie is made today to depict 2040 you see they introduce spaceships and flying cars too early, next to the to-be-extincted numerical keypads (too late). But not even a vintage radio is seen in the scenery. In a futuristic depiction I find it unrealistic not to present the past’s profound achievements in retro style.

Simulated reality

Simulated reality

Elon Musk among others brings some meta-statistical argument to show that we are more likely to be in a simulation than not; that we are most definitely not flesh, but words made flesh.

I don’t know how we can take someone’s word seriously, whose self is just an avatar in a simulation. That someone want to colonize Mars merely does not give more validity to their words, especially when they’re themselves made of words!

So what he is popularizing is given credit to the philosophers Nick Bostrom (2003) and Hans Moravec (1998) earlier. And I have found modern instances as old as Alan Watts (1972) expressing the same argument (here as the first fantasy out of three).

Transcending yourself, your simulators and theirs!

Whoever said it first, what matters is who did it first!

Saying that our bodies are not hardware and is instead of the sort of information/software is probably an unfalsifiable claim. It is like placing an object next to its meta level of existence and yet comparing them as two similar things. It is paradoxical like Russel’s antinomy that deals with a type of whether a set can be a member of itself or not. And in my opinion is as valid as saint Anselm of Canterbury’s ontological argument to prove God, brought a thousand years ago.

But well, if we are in a simulation and we can one day prove it, then we have understood things about those who programmed us. So why not continuing to extrapolate the transcendental cascade to know things about those who programmed them? And may be even hinting our simulators that they may be in a simulation too, and in what kind of simulation even.

Maybe that’s why they simulated us…

How to find out? With a simulation may be. Like program something that could tell us what’s going on beyond us and here’s the catch: beyond our creators and also their simulator!

A cascade of interventionist Gods

Now a deeper philosophical question is not whether we are in a simulation. As it can be interpreted differently based upon the definition of the God/simulator and is an unfalsifiable claim, a matter of faith. The more interesting question is, assuming that we are in a form of a simulation, is our creator an interventionist e onor not! i.e. Whether we are in a supervised simulation that changes sometimes based on how we act (are there miracles?), or alternatively we are just given a bunch of rigid rules and then left alone to compute.

Which itself boils down to whether our simulators are supervised by their intervening God or not.

If our creators are interventionist, how about their Gods? An interventionist God may be beyond us and so appear to us as having free will but for those who made that creature, itself could only be a type of abandoned code left to go down its own path. That cascade logically never ends.

Simulation depth

Opening this discussion, there can be follow-up questions:

What kind of simulation are we in? What are its boundaries and limits compared to our regular man-made type of simulations? Are we in a familiar type of simulation; say a huge multi-threaded discrete finite algorithm? Or could it be fundamentally more complex than our currently familiar notion of algorithmic computation, a simulating program?

If we are role playing in a discrete and finite type of computation, then a full history of space-time can be given in a humongous binary file or technically a large integer on the tape of a Turing machine. And then we are some chunks of information on it; enumerable combination of finite symbols rendered locally or globally frame by frame, discretely in time (basic notions known in complexity of computation).

And in that scenario, will that universal machine even differs if a tree falls in a forest but no one is around to hear it? Will there be a sound calculated when there’s no ear? Or is it more likely (and efficient) for that simulation to go only as far as the observer goes?

The square root

“Today at work there was an occasion that I had to take the square root of the country’s population. Now if the immigrants here, who are rude and blunt just like me and come from populous countries, hear you talking about the square root of Norway or Sweden they’d object and comment: “How big is an ant that you even wanna make a stue out of it”. Some others may also object and argue that you can’t take square root out of three dimensional people, cause you get one and a half dimensions, something between a line and a plane. You don’t even know what that result is let alone it be something useful or not. In all these regards I remember I had touched upon an example here earlier. And so I’ll explain for you whether such an operation is possible or not. You may already know that for each alive orangutan on earth there’s roughy one bonobo, two gorillas, three chimps and a hundred and seventy thousand humans on earth. This means that the population of orangutans, bonobos even reportedly gorillas is less then the square root of the seven billion population of us humans. In other words, our population is bigger than the square of their population. Now this can be put in perspective in a thousand ways. For example you can try to arrange the whole mankind in a military morning ceremony and then give an extra row to orangutans. You see you will lack orangutans to fill that row. But here I will try to illustrate it for you even better: Imagine you are on vacation in some Bali islands. You are walking around till a huge coconut grabs your attention. You approach the coconut but all of a sudden an ugly rude baby orangutan bothers you that hey, what the fuck you’re doing here! You don’t wanna chicken out and confront back but the family turn up. And more and more orangutans appear out of the blue. They even call Indonesia and bring more to support. Anyhow all of them even from zoos around the world mobilise to a historic battle with you, alone! You alone and 40,000 orangutans; such an unfair insult and all of it over a coconut, which we all know was just a poor excuse. Your patient is over and you attack them back. Just like Kill Bill no matter how many you kill, there’s more of them attacking you. So inhuman and unfair! Let’s it’s a lucky day and finally you manage to scape. You complain to your parents and they get furious and go to the principal of the world in the white house and the UN. The case is out of your hand and Uncle Trump promises your parents that he will follow this case in person. After all he gives a supreme Jihad command to the mankind to head to Indonesia all together! Well, Indonesia, many are already there, but the rest join too… To revenge the unjust act of the silly orangutans. Some quick math. From 7 billion humans we grant military exemption to the women like most countries do, we are left with 3.5 billion. There’s a billion boys under 18 out there that together with the elderly and the disabled make up to 1.5 billion people. You see we have 2 billion soldiers left and even if we send them all empty-handed to Indonesia there will still be 50,000 humans per each of those orangutans that had assaulted you. Still more than their 40,000 total army. There’s a little difference here though. Now they can’t even escape and nag to their parents like you did, as mom and dad and the granny and the baby orangutans all and all are busy in the middle of the battle field, just like the movie 300. You see, with such a brilliant idea, Trump not only finished off the assaulting orangutans, but also showed every single one of them how unfair and unjust it was, what they did to you; Just like the judgement day. Well, this example shows that bonobos, orangutans and such apes are less populous than the square root of the children of Adam and Eve. So, yes, next time you get stuck with the calculations and wondered how to take a square root of a population, this is a way to go!”Hiroshima

Science is a Random Walk

“Science is a random walk of accumulated literature.”

What do I mean by this compact claim is that the scientific code and its instrumentation evolve organically within an ecosystem of ideas and objects.

By scientific code I mean its language, terminologies and formulations, as well as their results and interpretations. And by its instrumentation I refer to the science-making technologies; tools and instruments.

The scientific code in its evolving journey is profoundly sensitive to its initial states as well as randomness along the way. Random elements of all kinds such as mistakes and accidents, cultural bias, geographic self-reinforcement among the scientists, charisma, manipulation by power and even the order of discoveries. All of these factors have potential to deviate scientific claims to drastically different directions.

We are limited beings trapped in a narrow set of interpretations that we call reality and therefore we are not using our imagination as much as we can to realize how things could have been otherwise. More interesting, useful, truthful alternatives do not get the chance to be seen or discussed in the dictatorship of the scientific enterprise. And scientists are behaving very politely with a fear of being abandoned, excluded or fallen in the blacklist of pseudo-sciences determined by the dominant story. And things doesn’t have to be this way.

Now speaking of the chaotic self-organized nature of the scientific random-walk, we would like to believe that there is an objective truth out there that functions as an external field and leads the scientific endeavor to get closer and closer to an “attractor” of the ultimate truth, neutralizing the effect of its random fluctuations.

This is not obvious.

How do we know that we are dealing with a controlled random walk, that there is an attractor? There may be many attractors. There may be none. There may be infinitely many with a different cardinality even. If we are destined to one thing is that we belive in destinty. And we think of science as having a destiny too. This may be an unwritten assumption but widely accepted that there’s a naturally truthful science. It may be randomly deviating people admit, but it is moving towards the attractor of the holy truth. In my experience the common claim is that not only that truth exists, we are also approaching it rather effectively. And so how can you even dare to argue over this when you are wittnessing the fantastic discoveries and the ground breaking achievements of science?

I am not unfamiliar with this world-view and can comprehend their logic, but have a completely different idea. I am saying that the myth of a naturally truthful science should be debated because it undermines the profound chaotic nature of the evolution of the scientific code and its instrumentatlity. It should be questioned because it ignores how fundamentally trapped we are in our cognitive tunnel and left alone with a very narrow and specific set of wide-spread stories that we have made about the reality.

And let’s say that the attractor of reality does exist in a sense, and that we humans are getting there because we have launched an honest journey with a solid plan. Even if so, I think without bringing up discussions like this post, such a goal is unattainable and navigating towards such a truth is impossible. We can not be sure we are on the right path, let alone the only path, if we suppress any effort to overcome our blindspots, simply because we don’t see them.

So this is what I summarize in the compact claim that science is not about the truth. Science is about the instrumental growth of the human ape, developed and expanded collectively and in a deep sense accidentally. Science is developped with the help of the limited capacities of our brain and its selfish interaction with the environment, ultimately for the sake of survival. We are fundamentally trapped in this thinking organ and besides that we do not try to keep in focus what our hard-wired biases are, as much as we should. We don’t even ask simpler questions such as how our cultural biases shape the way we think often enough. The answers can be sometimes really surprising if we dare to digg into this.

While it is still a meaningful topic to question for example how science would look like for some alien intelligent life form, I will not go that far here. I am claiming that even with the very same structure of the human brain, in a parallel version of our – let’s say – post-agricultural civilization, branched out as late as five thousand years ago and formed with a different throws of dice, the scientific code could have looked very very differently. And at this point only imagination can speculate on this important question about “how else” things could have looked like in an alternative human society. Let’s just specualte a bit. This is pure contemplation:

I think we may not have come up with Newtonian mechanics and then two theories of relativity later on, very unlikely. Instead we could have had things in between or completely different models that would still work. For example with a whole new set of definitions angular momentum did not necessarily have to imply rotation and who knows may be not a single scientist of that parallel world would have even heard of the analogy that some particles rotate around others similar to our planetary system. Imagine the possibility that Einstein’s idea of spacetime was thrown earlier than anything like Newtonian mechanics, simply on a different food diet or given another set of conflicts, power shifts and revolutions.

Imagine Which parts of Algebra would look different beyond its symbolic representation. And then to explain our cosmos how would we expect more complex formulations – such as string theory – to have formed similarly out of a completely different context? The whole axiomatization of our mathematics and how it would state its open problems could look different. It stil can. My personal hope is that it could look more fractal, and more transcendental in a sense. Or not. But we may have not had the Euclidean dominance on our early geometries, the following Cartesian coordinates and thus the use of complex numbers in some form of electronics or any technologies that would give us functionalities similar to smartphones or chip implants. Instead remarkably different tools and languages would serve a similar purpose.

The most solid pillars of our sciences shake if we think in these terms. Even the idea of evolution itself which is the support story behind this post could be told differently. Darwinism and Lamarckism wouldn’t be exposed as distinct theories with a form of epigenetics as their compromise. Other good functioning legends could be told with a different order of discoveries and their marketing.

Well, and on the other hand some core ideas and theories could have been told similarly. And it is not quite impossible to contemplate and guess which of them. It’s very difficult to place a bet for me here but I think we would still have numbers in a sense, and mathematical constants. We would somehow know the families of π and e. We would have had telecommunication and eventually at some point we would sequence our genes and hack ourselves to the next level.

What would remain intact and what would change? This is an important question for all sciences and we do have the tools and resources to make a move towards some answers these days. It’s not necessarily expensive in terms of research fund nor environmental footprint to get on to this. Imagine we live in a world when a comprehensive digitized copy of our scholarly literature is publicly available with all sorts of accessible algorithms. We can now supervise machines to evaluate a whole body of the scientific literature in a matter of days if not shorter. Machines can now reveal contradictions and fallacies in proofs and arguments, detect and neutralize the marketing bias in scientific work to extract the quality, detect and promote ignored nobel ideas and bring up the missed gems, deconstruct existing notions to come up with new ideas, and simulate the future of the whole science itself in multiparallel versions.

None of rhis is any longer farfetched. For those of you who love brands and abbreviations, I came across SSK and SSI, one in many posssible projects of meta-science in this regard. They stand for sociology of scientific knowledge (SSK) and its complementory, sociology of scientific ignorance (SSI). The maturity of these projects were the dream of philosophers such as Fayerabend and Kuhn long before the age of Big Data. That idea didn’t take off and was suppressed by other dominant codes which could make more money and thus stood the selection pressures of the scientific enterprise better, to address its demends.

Fair! They were too vague and not regirous enough. And they were not affordable at the time. Our processing power is now millions of times bigger and the immediate availability of pretty much every important scientific idea that have been created is not a dream anymore. So we can get on to such a project again.

And those of you who love stories about AI take over, would agree that if we don’t do this, at some points machines will go ahead and do it for us; or for themselves. This one is not a new story anymore, since we have probably read a piece of fiction journalism on a similar idea lately. So, crazy ideas don’t seem that farfetched when they are repeated enough or endorsed by the public.

Science is an amazing achievement and the fact that its pioneers have constantly used it to transcend itself with new paradigms, ideas and breakthroughs is simply beautiful.

Science deserves to be better than an idiocracy. While, despite its core values of a truthful struggle, like other human achievements that have become old enough in a rigid framework, it seems attracted in to that direction now. People who rightfully claim that science is white or masculine are only scratching the surface.

If you love science, care about it. Try to see its fundamental limits and so transcend it. You may still call it science and I won’t argue over terms. I think it will still not be about finding the truth; however, it is a neater struggle to serve such a purpose.

P.S. I am not viewing this post as a truthful post, either. This is just a code. It’s a rather unconventional idea in the sphere of ideas out there. Your human brains recieve it; some relate to it and some object. The process of understanding something is a set of biochemical algorithms; Logic and reasoning have that shady characteristic in common with emotions and feelings. This is why there is so much disagreement out there in the world. It’s not that people are almost always wrong. It’s because folks are different and the evolution of their worldviews take totally different pathways and so different things make sense to them based on their previous experience and knowledge. From these many ideas out there some of them get lucky enough to survive, take over and dominate for a period but it is not necessarily an indicator of their truthful. Truth may be non-monotonic in a very deep sense. It is alarming when we realize that even if the external field of reality or the attractor of truth had not existed, we would still assume them. And what I have said here has been said before in different tones and terminologies. The scientific climate has not been so friendly to those ideas and they have not got enough exposure or resources. All instances of similar claims that I managed to find have faded out due to what I think as a form of early exposure. This post is not about the truth either. You can view it as a mutation that I would like to promote. This time around it may take off somewhere around here.

* * *

Science is not about the truth. It’s about our instrumental growth.

It’s a human specific language for the short-term dominance of this very species; a subjective and relative cultural viewpoint; a man-made phenomenon not only sensitive to geography and demography of its producers, but fundamentally relying on our specific physiological features.

Science is a random walk of accumulated literature largely indifferent to the reality; a set of self-reinforced terminologies that has hypnotized our collective mind.

Science is one in many possibilities that turned out to be the dominant widespread culture of our time due to a series of thrown dice with similar dynamics to rock pigeons colonizing the urban landscape worldwide.

So if you take all of it too seriously you may as well think of a pterodactyl as the superior form of a flying object; the shape of a moldy bread as the ultimate manifestation of “truth”, or the last check-mate snapshot of a mediocre chess game as the final capacity of a chess board.